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Our Mission

Development of complex movement controls for autonomous systems in order to maximize operational effectiveness and safety, utilizing cutting edge AI technology implemented in the system actuators.

Movement of autonomous systems is a type of unknown (a-priory) behavior in external and/or internal dynamics. In order to provide solutions for such applications we utilize machine learning technology and AI.

With our solutions, we can reach any desired target for the operation of autonomous systems in given external conditions. We are also able to provide solutions to any required safety level and target as set by regulatory parties or client requirements.

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Use Case: Exoskeletons

Exoskeletons are a man-machine solution, inherently EES is the the central component of any man-machine system. The second component is the human body (mainly the "skeleton-muscle" and "brain"). Applying intelligent AI-empowered controls via EES enables to build incredibly complex and advanced exoskeletons that fit a variety of use cases, from industry to medical, and even military applications.

It is vital to ensure safety, and it is a major concern for systems that interact directly with the human body. We are able to develop AI-empowered systems that can reach any given safety target.

Use Case: Medical Devices

Autonomous medical devices, and specifically surgical robots, allow utilizing AI and precision robotics to enhance medical treatment and allow them to perform operations autonomously. By 2025, optic and orthopedic surgery applications are expected to be developed.

EES in these applications is critical, as it allows machine learning and increasing safety and precision effectively enhancing performance of the surgical robots until all safety & success rate requirements are met.

So far autonomous medical devices were utilized in monitoring & surgeon assistance applications, but with expansion into more complex surgeries and tasks, the safety and performance become more and more critical.


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EES - Energy Exchange System

EES is the sub-system of the "Full Autonomous System" that performs the movements of the system in response the movement input from the "Navigation" of the autonomous system. The EES in autonomous systems must be "smart" - e.g. enhanced with AI and machine learning to adapt rapidly to internal and/or external dynamics & factors that affect the autonomous system.